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.380 ACP Magazines

K3866 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate (Fits all Kahr .380 ACP models except CT380)
K387G7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits all Kahr .380 ACP models except CT380)
K3877 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate

CW380, P380 & CT380 Models

9mm Magazines

MK6206 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)
MK720 7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)
K8207 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr 9mm models except ST9, T9, CT9 & TP9)
K920G8 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits all Kahr 9mm models except ST9, T9, CT9 & TP9)
K9208 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr 9mm models)

CM9, PM9, MK9, & 9mm Covert Models | CW9, S9, P9, & K9 Models | ST9, TP9, CT9 & T9 Models

.40 S&W Magazines

KS5205 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)
KS620 6 rounds, stainless steel with with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)
K4206 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models except T40, CT40 & TP40)
K720G7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models except T40, CT40 & TP40)
K7207 rounds, stainless steel stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .40 S&W models)

CM40, PM40, MK40, & .40S&W Covert Models | CW40, P40 & K40 Models | CT40, TP40 & T40 Models

.45 ACP Magazines

K5255 rounds, stainless steel (Fits CM45 & PM45)
K625G 6 rounds, stainless steel with with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)
K6256 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .45 ACP models except CT45 & TP45)
K725G7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits all Kahr .45 ACP models except CT45 & TP45)
K7257 rounds, stainless steel (Fits all Kahr .45 ACP models)

CM45 & PM45 Models | CW45 & P45 Models | CT45 & TP45 Models

CW380 & P380 Models

K386 6 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate
K387G7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension

CT380 Model

K3877 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate

CM9, PM9, MK9, & 9mm Covert Models

MK620 6 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate
MK720 7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)

S9, CW9, P9 & K9 Models

K8207 rounds, stainless steel
K920G8 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension

ST9, CT9, TP9 & T9 Models

K920 8 rounds, stainless steel

CM40, PM40, MK40, & .40 S&W Covert Models

KS520 5 rounds, stainless steel with flush baseplate
KS620 6 rounds, stainless steel with with grip extension (Fits Kahr Covert, MK, PM & CM models)

CW40, P40 & K40 Models

K420 6 rounds, stainless steel
K720G7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension

CT40, TP40 & T40 Models

K720 7 rounds, stainless steel

CM45 & PM45 Models

K525 5 rounds, stainless steel
K625G6 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension

CW45 & P45 Models

K625 6 rounds, stainless steel
K725G 7 rounds, stainless steel with grip extension

CT45 & TP45 Models

K725 7 rounds, stainless steel